These bullet points are excepted from the University of Toronto page "Facilities + Memberships > Back Campus Fields Project > Questions and Answers", found here:
• The only change to this space will be the surface of the field itself; the surrounding grass and historic trees will remain.
• [P]ick-up soccer, flag football, softball and other recreational activities … will continue to take place on the field; the key change will be the greatly-increased access for the full range of activities, including recreational use.
• [A]ccess will be restricted during site construction and during the Pan Am Games period in 2015 (late June to late August). The fields will otherwise continue to be as available as they are now for student/community access and sport and physical activity programs.
• The amount of permanent fencing will not be more than currently exists. Even when all the fencing is up the fields will remain accessible through a series of well-placed gates on the east side (one sliding gate) and the south side (three sliding gates) that are not lockable.
• The total estimated cost for the project is $9.5 million. … [T]he University’s contribution – paid through the Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education – will not exceed $4.2 million.